Bring Nature in with Indoor Plants

01 Dec, 2021

Here are some styling tips and our top varieties for beginners through to experts.

How to style your indoor plants

When it comes to the question of how many is too many, we think you can’t have enough! The key is making sure they all look great together. Below are a few tips on how to make the most of your indoor jungle paradise

Group them together

Gather a posse of plants of varying heights in different pots to create a display with real impact—pair plants with vibrant furnishings and timber for a dynamic look.

Add texture

Play with texture, combinations such as sansevieria with its long smooth leaves and the hundreds of tiny leaves on a callisia bubbles are something to behold!

Hang them

Create a sculptural display up above with kokedama and trailing plants such as the succulent string of pearls and the carefree chain of hearts – perfect choices for hanging pots.


Choose pot colours and textures to match other colours that appear within the room's setting.

Top Varieties

Before you fill your home with our stunning range indoor plants, we suggest reading ahead to find the perfect match for your home.

Peace Lilies

Incredibly easy-care, provided you keep them out of direct sunlight. Peace lilies look great and help remove toxins and oxygenate the air.
Conditions: Grows best in bright indirect light, though will tolerate darker conditions. Keep soil moist and feed monthly with Kings Houseplant Food to keep them happy and healthy.


Easy-care, tough, and gorgeous. Keep in an area out of direct sunlight. Great for removing toxins and oxygenating the air.
Conditions: Prefers bright, indirect light. Rarely needs repotting. Unlike most plants they do best when pot bound. Keep soil moist and feed monthly to improve flowering.


This carefree succulent tolerates neglect extremely well. If you’ve had no success with houseplants (other than plastic ones) give the snake plant a try. It also removes toxins from the air.
Conditions: Prefers bright light, though it will tolerate low light conditions too. Allow the soil to dry between watering.

ZZ Plant

Sometimes known as ‘Eternity Plant’ due to it’s long life, this succulent tolerates low light and neglect. It is slow-growing, so get a large plant if you want it to get big quickly.
Conditions: Low to bright light. Allow the soil to dry between watering.

Maidenhair Fern

This delightful fern produces a mass of delicate, soft foliage on slightly trailing stems.
Conditions: Medium to bright indirect light. Water regularly and don’t let them dry out. Feed monthly with a half strength mix of Kings Houseplant Food.


An easy-care plant with graceful foliage. Various varieties are available, including several with elegant, slightly arching stems.
Conditions: Medium to bright light. Allow soil surface to dry between waterings.


Summer means regular watering. Unlike winter, you can be a bit more structured with your watering days. However this can change depending on if it’s wet or cold for a few days in a row. Regardless, always check the soil's moisture with your finger before topping them up.

Watering is essential for ferns and carnivorous plants. Never let them dry out completely. Instead put a saucer under each pot and make sure they are filled with water everyday.


Light requirements will differ between plants, and some may need to be moved away from windows as the sun’s position moves for summer. Most indoor plants don’t enjoy the direct sun and instead, like to be just out of the sun's rays. Imagine a rainforest and where these plants would be naturally situated.

Cacti and most succulents, however, do enjoy the direct sun. If they haven’t been exposed to hot summer sun yet, slowly move them into more desirable areas instead of doing it suddenly – as even these can get sunburn!


Fertilise your larger plants such as monsteras, ficus, and dracaenas with Kings Slow Release House Plant Food at the start of summer and again at the beginning of autumn. Water in well.

With medium to smaller plants, feed them with a liquid fertiliser such as Kings Liquid House Plant Food. Spray indoor air plants with water. Rainwater is best as it usually has more minerals than filtered or tap water.

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