A Beginner's Guide to Roses

15 Nov, 2022

We love roses and our stores are filled with their delicious fragrance and beautiful blooms. There are just so many unique varieties to choose from, so we’ve put together a beginner's guide to help you understand the different ways that roses grow, and their different flower types.

Roses grow in different ways, with bush, climber and standard being the most common types:

Bush Roses

Trained into a classic bowl shape with four or five strong canes growing from the ground. Top varieties include Iceberg, Ink Spots, Shangri La and Hayward College.

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Standard Roses

Long stemmed with a bush shape at the top, standard roses are ideal for adding height to the garden. Top varieties include Iceberg, Mum in a Million and Margaret Merril.

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Climbing Roses

Refers to roses with a climbing habit. These are ideal for covering a fence and creating a pretty backdrop for other plants. Top varieties include Dublin Bay and Blackberry Nip.

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Roses also have a number of different flower types:

Floribunda Roses

A stunning cluster of flowers on the stem, often referred to as a bouquet on every branch. Top varieties include Friesia, Pink Ribbon and Margaret Merril.

Hybrid Tea Roses

One single rose bloom per stem, great for picking and cut flower arrangements. Top varieties include Loving Memory, Aotearoa, and Blue Moon.

David Austin Roses

Bred for repeat flowering, beautiful fragrance and stunning multi-petalled blooms. Top varieties include Graham Thomas, Tranquility and Abraham Darby.

Old Fashioned

The ancestors of today’s roses, grown for their delicate beauty and delightful fragrance. Top varieties include For Your Eyes Only and Cecile Brunner.

Our Top Roses

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