Bee Guide October
01 Oct, 2024
Bee-friendly Plants In Flower
Though the weather can still be slightly variable this month, it is heating up and with more sunlight hours comes more time to spend in the garden. Consider planting out a section for bees this year!
Here is a list of a few of the flowers that will be out in bloom now:

Bluebells should be out in flower from early to mid-spring, which are great for bumble and honeybees. Easy to grow, all you need to do is pop them into the garden where there is some soil mixed with compost and watch them flower! Make a note to order bluebells and buy them when they are in stores in Autumn.

If you have had borage in your garden in previous years, seedlings will start popping up all over the place and grow fast, offering hungry bees food in early spring to late summer. If you haven’t grown them before, they are easy to grow both from seed and seedling, found in the Kings Herb section.
Bee-friendly Plants Ready For Planting
As more plants become available instore in October, there will be a larger variety to choose from.
Here are some different bee-friendly plants to get in the ground now:
Monthly Bee Tip
Set aside a pot or 2m x 2m section of the garden dedicated to bee-friendly plants. This way, if half of the neighbourhood does this there will be enough food for bees in your area! More flowers = More Bees!
Weeds can be food too! Let your lawn grow out a little, as bees love dandelion, clover and lawn daisies!