Little Growers Activity: Make your own fairy garden

14 Dec, 2021

Creating a magical fairy garden is the perfect way to spend time with your Little Growers. Not only is it a fun activity but looking after their fairy garden promotes patience and an understanding of nature.

What you’ll need:

· Terrarium stones

· Terrarium sand

· Moss

· Soil

· Plants

· A container for planting

· A glass jar

· Fairy ornaments

· Seed lights (optional)

What to do:

Step One: Create a space for your fairy

We used a recycled glass jar, created a small doorway with sticks, and covered it in our Kings Terrarium Moss Selection. We used a hot glue gun to help it all stay together and added some dry straw for a pretty roof effect. Note: When assembling your fairy garden your fairy will sit inside your upturned glass jar.

Step Two: Prepare your garden base

Firstly, add a layer stones and sand to the base of your container for drainage. Next add a layer of soil. If using succulents make sure your soil is dry to prevent any root rot. Add a layer of moss in some areas for a textural effect.

Step Three: Begin placing your elements

First find the perfect place for your fairy jar house. Then you can get planting. We used succulents to make whimsical fairy trees and then added extra stones to create paths around them. Add dried flowers, seed lights, and fairy accessories for an even more magical look.

Step Four: Care

Care for your fairy garden by watering sparingly with a spray bottle.

Images courtesy of Lavara @lavara_loves

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