Winter Care Tips for Your Indoor Plants
10 Jun, 2022
Most indoor plants are tropical or subtropical, meaning that they need to be kept warm in winter. Keep your plants in a room that is 18°C or warmer, otherwise more delicate plants will start to show signs of cold damage on the leaves and may start dying back. Make sure your plants are kept away from cool draughts, heat pumps and heaters.
Diminishing light levels may mean your plants need to be moved to get more light (but remember to keep them out of direct sunlight). Clean your windows to allow extra light in, and clean your plants’ leaves with a damp towel so they can absorb more light. If you have small cuttings or young plants, look into investing in an indoor grow light.
Incorrect watering during winter is the number one way to lose your indoor plants. Cut watering back to a third of what they get in summer to help ensure they don’t get waterlogged or start developing signs of root rot. The only exceptions to this rule are carnivorous plants and ferns.
Encouraging creative spaces
If you are running your own business or have been working from home through covid, you will understand the importance of setting up a creative, engaging space to work in, one that inspires and motivates you.
When we work from home, we miss the opportunities to see, breathe, and experience plants in our daily commutes or walks to work. Why not bring nature in? Check out our tips on sprucing up your office space with plants
Utilising Shelves
When choosing your plants for your shelves, always select at least one hanging plant. This will soften the space and give an authentically designed look.
Add colour and character with cover pots. This is an easy styling tool that you can change to fit your desired look.
Sometimes a more restrained approach is just as beautiful, if not more functional. Again, use books and personal effects to tell a story and accent the space with plants.
Incorporating Height
Sometimes our home office spaces are limited. If this is the case, try to incorporate smaller house plants such as dwarf sansevieria and mini moth orchids.
Plant stands framing the side of a desk is a great way to integrate height.
Pair plants with items such as photo frames and books to add personality. We love a plant paperweight. You don’t have to spend a lot to get a designer look