Grow Well Guides

Bok Choy/Pak Choi

Bok Choy often referred to as Chinese Cabbage or Pak Choi is a leafy green vegetable belonging to the same family as cabbages. Becoming more popular in cooking with its crisp white stems and sweet leaves it is great in stir fries, coleslaw, soups. Easy and quick to grow it is a must have in the garden.

Planting Calendar


Bok Choy and Pak Choi can be planted from spring to late autumn

Harvest In

30-45 days

Bok Choy and Pak Choi are quick to grow and are usually ready to harvest within 30-45 days. Harvest by picking the entire plant at once.



Both of these Asian Green varieties like to be grown in a sunny position with protection from hard frosts.


When planted into the ground Bok Choy likes a free draining soil that is rich in organic matter. To improve the organic content in your soil, break up the soil and add Kings Compost and Kings Sheep Pellets and Natures Organic Fertiliser then mix together well. When growing in containers, plant into Kings Container mix or Living Earth Organic Vegetable Mix


Gently remove the seedling from the tray and plant into the cultivated soil. Space plants 30cm apart and in rows 40cm apart so they have plenty of space to grow. Alternatively they can be sown directly into the garden, raised beds or containers that are at least 30cm deep. Water in well after planting and liquid feed with Aquaticus Garden Booster.



Water to keep the soil just moist, overwatering may cause the plants to rot.


Feed throughout the growing season with Aquaticus Garden Booster and Kings Organic Vegetable fertiliser following the instructions carefully.


Protect your young seedling from Slugs and Snails by applying Quash, the pet friendly option.


Leaf Miner and White Butterfly Caterpillar can be treated by spraying with Bugtrol.

General Care

When using sprays, chemicals or fertilisers always read the label and follow the instructions. Apply sprays in the evening to avoid harming beneficial insects.

Beginner Tip

Bok Choy and all Asian greens are fast growing, so be sure to provide enough water for juicy crisp plants.

All you need to grow well.