Monthly Checklist
Plant Now
Tend To
Plant Now
Spring seed, veggies, deciduous fruit trees, summer bulbs, magnolias and flowering cherries.
Tend To
Preparing, protecting, feeding, pruning, spraying, mulching, deadheading, and repotting.
Seed Raising Mix, Yates Liquid Copper, Kings Dried Blood, Quash, FreeFlo Copper, Aquaticus Glow, and more.
Plant Now
Spring seed, veggies, deciduous fruit trees, summer bulbs, magnolias and flowering cherries.

- Sow spring seed now, including peas, beans, lettuce, celery, broccoli and cauliflower.
- Plant potatoes now to enjoy a bountiful harvest later in the year.
- Grow tomatoes and chilli from seed inside before transplanting them outside in September.
- While it's too early for basil outdoors, plant parsley, coriander, thyme, and mint to add fresh herbs to your dishes.

Fruit Trees
- Purchase your deciduous fruit trees now and enjoy fresh fruit straight from your own backyard.
- Protect your fruit trees from fungal diseases with a spray of Grosafe FreeFlo Copper before bud-burst.
- If you're planning to graft or espalier fruit trees, aim for late-August to mid-September for optimal results.

Trees and Shrubs
- Magnolias and flowering cherries are in stores this month - plant them early to enjoy their beautiful blooms this spring.

Flowers and Perennials
- Start planting summer bulbs now
Tend To
Preparing, protecting, feeding, pruning, spraying, mulching, deadheading, and repotting.

- Start preparing for spring and summer now! Dig in compost crops and start weeding beds to ensure you’re ready and prepared to plant this spring.
- Continue to use Quash for slugs and snails
- Start feeding your veggies regularly from mid-August.

Fruit Trees
- Thoroughly spray with a mix of FreeFlo Copper and Aquaticus Glow before they burst into life. By winter spraying with these two organic products you reduce the risk of diseases and pest problems over the coming seasons.
- If you are going to graft or espalier fruit trees, do this in late August to mid-September.

Trees and Shrubs
- Mulch around trees with Living Earth More Than Mulch. Feed the whole garden with Kings Garden Booster
- Put up wasp traps as queens begin to come out of hibernation.
- Mulch roses generously and apply a fi nal spray of Grosafe FreeFlo Copper before bud-burst for disease prevention.
- Mulch roses well and give a final spray using Yates Liquid Copper before bud-burst.
- Remove fallen camellia flowers to avoid slipping hazards and add them to your compost.
- Time to trim and shape early flowering camellias, wait till blooming is finished and then trim.

Flowers and Perennials
- For repeat flowering, deadhead old blooms as they fade.
- Early spring bulbs will now be flowering – cut and gift to a friend or family member!
- Continue to feed with Kings Dried Blood and Kings Blood & Bone.

- As it warms up you can begin to repair your lawn or plant up any new patches. Or if moss has become a problem apply Kings Lawn Moss Control, just be careful around paving as it can stain it.

Indoor Plants
- The end of August means it’s time to start repotting. Use Kings House Plant Mix to keep your indoor plants growing well.
- Turn plants if they have been stretching towards the light.
- Start fertilising plants with Kings Liquid Houseplant Food.

General Tasks
- If space allows, consider making your own compost bin to recycle organic waste into nutrient-rich soil.
- Weeds will soon be popping up everywhere – get rid of them while they are small, before they get out of hand.
- Put up wasp traps as queens emerge from hibernation to prevent unwanted visitors.
- Cut down green crops in early August and dig them into garden beds to enrich the soil for spring planting.