Monthly Checklist
Plant Now
Tend To
Plant Now
Veggies, passionfruit and citrus, rhubarb and berries, melon seedlings, roses, hydrangeas, hedges, flowers and perennials.
Tend To
Weeding, protecting, feeding, deadheading, spraying, and watering.
Quash, Kings 24+, Weed’n’Feed, Kings Organic Compost, Kings Slow-Release Citrus Food, Natures Organic Fertiliser and more.
Plant Now
Veggies, passionfruit and citrus, rhubarb and berries, melon seedlings, roses, hydrangeas, hedges, flowers and perennials.

- Your favourite summer veggie seedlings will start arriving instore, so make sure you grab your tomatoes, chillies, basil, beans, and eggplants.
- There’s still time to get summer seeds in, but make sure to check dates when reusing previous years’ packets. After three years seed is much less viable.

Fruit Trees
- Get your strawberries in now for a tasty summer harvest. Plant blueberries in rich soil mixed with Kings Organic Compost. Plant different varieties in the same garden for cross-pollination.
- Plant rhubarb in a sunny spot on a healthy bed of Kings Organic Compost and sheep pellets.
- Get new passionfruit vines in from October onwards. Choose a north-facing spot with free-draining soil.
- Plant out melon seedlings when the risk of frost and cold temperatures has passed.

Trees and Shrubs
- Plant roses now in a sunny position to enjoy their delightful blooms this spring and summer.
- Hydrangeas are an old-fashioned flower that is coming back in style! With huge gorgeous blooms, hydrangeas are happy being in full sun or part shade. They make great cut flowers and now is the best time to plant them.
- Getting hedges and large screening trees into the soil now gives them time to get settled in before summer. Keep newly planted trees and shrubs well-watered (with a watering can) and feed with Kings 24+.

Flowers and Perennials
- Plant petunia, lobelia, and alyssum in tall pots and hanging baskets now and be rewarded with cascades of brightly coloured flowers through late spring and summer.
- Fill those gaps in the garden with taller annual colour, like snapdragons, marigolds, and gazanias.
Tend To
Weeding, protecting, feeding, deadheading, spraying, and watering.

- Don’t forget to label your seeds and seedlings especially if you’re growing different cultivars (types) of the same plant. This will come in handy so you know what works and what needs more care next year.
- Feed any empty garden beds with Kings Organic Compost and Natures Organic Fertiliser in preparation for planting.
- Protect your new seedlings from slugs and snails with Tui Quash - (it’s safe around kids and pets).

Fruit Trees
- Feed established fruit trees with Kings Citrus and Fruit Tree Fertiliser. For citrus in pots, use Kings Slow-Release Citrus Food.

Flowers and Perennials
- Deadhead any spent flowers. Yates Thrive Flower and Fruit Food is great for encouraging stronger plants and blooms.

- Get the lawn picnic perfect for those summer guests. Fertilise and tackle broadleaf weeds with Weed ‘n’ Feed.
- Spot spray those tougher weeds.
- Sow grass seed in patchy areas. Living Earth More Than Lawn Mix can help with successful germination.

Indoor Plants
- As new growth shoots up you can begin to make cuttings and propagate indoor plants again.
- Start fertilising with Kings House Plant Food, or for larger, more established indoor plants, use Kings House Plant Slow Release Food.
- Warmer weather means more frequent watering is needed – most indoor plants only need watering when soil becomes dry but keep fittonia, ferns, and carnivorous plants moist.

General Tasks
- Weed those veggie beds. A garden kneeler pad will cushion your knees if it's a big job!
- Add companion plants around your veggies and shrubs to naturally ward off pests.
- Keep an eye on laterals from your tomatoes and stake them with sturdy bamboo stakes.

Trees and Shrubs
- Mulch shrubs such as roses, daphne, camellias, vireyas, gardenias, and pieris with Living Earth More Than Mulch, and feed with Aquaticus Organic Garden Booster.